Please note: There are (2) giveaways associated with this post. After you are done reading scroll to the bottom to enter the Rafflecopter for your chance to win a copy of Ninety Eight, then scroll up one section to the Today's Web Crawl for the Scavenger Hunt to win the iPad Mini or the $150 Amazon Gift Card!
Celebrating the release of her newest contemporary romance, Ninety Eight, Shannon Mayer is hosting a fun week long event, ‘Crawl Between the Sheets’! But first, check out Ninety Eight and don’t forget to enter our blog giveaway to win your own copy!
About Ninety Eight
Release: October 17, 2013
Publisher: HiJinks Ink Publishing Ltd.
New Adult/Adult Contemporary Romance
For a limited time, Ninety Eight will be priced at JUST $0.99!
Shannon’s other contemporary romance, High Risk Love, has also been reduced to $0.99 during the release event for Ninety Eight!
Speed Limits
Lottery Tickets
Elevator Buttons
Numbers are everywhere—they play such a vital role in our everyday lives. But what would happen if we measured love with equations just as we do our morning cup of coffee? My nana had many recipes in her cupboards, but it was her calculations for love that she insisted I live my life by; and I’ve followed her rules all these years.
One Animal
One Moment
One Critical Impact
That’s all it took for the numbers to start flying in a jumbled mess through my brain as I stared into the violet eyes that would forever make me question my choices. In a split second, the possibilities and reality of true love are revealed and I’m questioning all I’ve ever known.
A Tree
White Fences
Stolen Moments
I can’t ignore the storm brewing around—and within—me. Everything I am is confronted by these new numbers, and all they represent. My past, present and future will all be determined by the gambles I make right here, right now. Again, it’s all about the numbers.
And what I’m learning is, one plus one doesn’t always equal two and sometimes three times isn’t always the charm.
Crawl Between the Sheets 2013~!
Welcome to “Crawl Between the Sheets 2013”!
This event is a web crawl scavenger hunt and you are ALL invited! Each day, different blogs will have different events for you to crawl around the web and enter the hunt.
- GRAND PRIZE: IPAD MINI or $350 Amazon Gift Card (all Amazon territories included) winners choice.
- RUNNER-UP PRIZE: $150 Amazon Gift Card (all Amazon territories included)
Today's Web Crawl Events
To participate in today's web crawl events, follow the directions below to receive your daily points. Once you have completed one of the 2-3 daily events, please return to Shannon’s website at and enter your submissions in the Rafflecopter found there!
3pts Visit Patricia's Website:
Go to Patricia Briggs website at:
Under her books page, count how many titles she has released under her name (not including short fiction, novellas and anthologies)?
Submit your total count as your entry at .
@Mercys_Garage Your books rock & they inspire authors to create kickass characters like @TheShannonMayer’s Rylee Adamson!
Submit the link to your tweet as your entry at .
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Go to Patricia Brigg’s Facebook page at
- LIKE her page AND
- enter this as a comment: @Official Patricia Briggs….Your books rock & they inspire authors to create kickass characters like @Author Shannon Mayer's Rylee Adamson! (You MUST tag both Patricia Briggs and Shannon Mayer)
Submit the link to your FB post as your entry at .
10pts. Go to Patricia Brigg’s website at:
- Join her forum
- Post this comment on her forum somewhere : PATRICIA BRIGGS: Your books rock & they inspire authors to create kickass characters like Shannon Mayer's Rylee Adamson!
Submit the username you created when you joined the forum as your entry at .
ALSO, every day during this event you may do the following to earn EXTRA points:
If you share this link: on Facebook or Twitter, you can enter the URL link to your post/tweet to gain an extra point for the day. Even if you complete the other tasks for the day, you can STILL do this as well up to once a day! :)
To see other blogs and the rest of the week’s events, visit Shannon’s site and check out her News Blog!
About the Author
She is the author of the The Rylee Adamson Novels, The Nevermore Trilogy, A Celtic Legacy series and several contemporary romances. Please visit her website at for more information on her novels.
Website | Facebook | Twitter
We are giving away (1) eBook copy of Ninety Eight courtesy of Shannon Mayer! Books will be gifted from only.