Friday, November 15, 2013

Book Blast & Giveaway: Sisters in White by Melissa Foster

Welcome to the Book Blast & Giveaway for
Sisters in White
By Melissa Foster
 Snow Sisters Series

About Sisters in White

Danica and Kaylie Snow are about to celebrate the biggest day of their lives—their double wedding—on an island in the Bahamas. But no wedding is complete without a little family drama. The two sisters aren’t ready to face the father they haven’t seen since he divorced their mother and moved away to marry his mistress, and live with Lacy, the half sister they’ve never met.

While Danica has exchanged letters and phone calls with Lacy, Kaylie has fervently tried to pretend she doesn’t exist. Lacy is sweet, fun, and nearly a mirror image of Kaylie. To make matters worse, not only is Lacy looking forward to meeting her sisters, but she idolizes them, too. As the countdown to the wedding date ticks on, their parents are playing a devious game of revenge, and there’s a storm brewing over the island, threatening to cancel their perfect wedding. The sisters are about to find out if the bond of sisterhood really trumps all.

CLICK TO PURCHASE: Sisters in White

Add to your shelves on Goodreads

About the Author

Melissa Foster is the award-winning author of four International bestselling novels. Her books have been recommended by USA Today’s book blog, Hagerstown Magazine, The Patriot, and several other print venues. She is the founder of the Women’s Nest, a social and support community for women, the World Literary Café. When she’s not writing, Melissa helps authors navigate the publishing industry through her author training programs on  Fostering Success. Melissa is also a community builder for the Alliance for Independent Authors. She has been published in Calgary’s Child Magazine, the Huffington Post, and Women Business Owners magazine.

Melissa hosts an annual Aspiring Authors contest for children and has painted and donated several murals to The Hospital for Sick Children in Washington, DC. Melissa lives in Maryland with her family.

Visit Melissa on The Women’s Nest, Fostering Success, or World Lit Cafe. Join Melissa and the YaYa Writer Girls at their annual in-person event. Melissa enjoys discussing her books with book clubs and reader groups, and welcomes an invitation to your event.

Connect with Melissa Foster

Find out more about the Snow Sister Series

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Book Blast: Loving in Time by AE Kirk

Displaying Loving In Time Banner 450 x 169.png

About Loving in Time

Living in New England, half Greek half American high school student, Helen, lives a relatively normal life; a mother and father and two bratty younger twin brothers. But it all changes when her mother welcomes two strange but devilishly cute boys, Marcus and Gus, into the house and into Helen’s life.

While the boys live with Helen, they help her discover that she is far from normal and she is, in fact, part of an ancient Grecian love story that has stretched to every corner of the world. She is Helen of Sparta from the myth, Helen of Troy. The boys however, ask a difficult favour from her, to leave her modern family and go back in time to help break an ancient cycle.

Given the ability to stop time and travel into centuries past, she and her new friends, Marcus and Gus, are joined by five other boys who try and protect Helen from the evil Decurion soldiers; ancient time travellers who wish to stop Helen from breaking the cycle.

Journeying to Ancient Greece, Helen must act as she once had but when the moment the war begins and Helen must break the cycle, she is given a life changing decision. The question is, will she choose wisely?

Author: AE Kirk
Genre: Romance sci-fi, time travel
Publisher: Vanguard Press
ISBN-10: 1843868113
ISBN-13: 978-1843868118


Stretching out on the couch, I placed my arm over my eyes to cover the afternoon sun that peeked in at the west facing window. I was getting a headache from doing so much and I still hadn’t even done my homework yet... which reminded me I need to call Paris.
About to get up to grab the phone, I heard a car pull into the driveway. Sitting up, I looked out of the window, but only saw the top half of the metallic green people carrier which belonged to my Mom. Groaning that the dweebs were home, I flopped back onto the couch and closed my eyes.
Bang! Went the sound of the first door that was usually Castor. One minute older he always got out of the left side of the car first. Bang! That was Sander’s right door being slammed shut. Bang! And there was Mom’s. Bang!
‘Huh?’ Sitting up and frowning, at the forth door slam I glanced at the car again and saw five heads move to the front of the house.
Keys jangled as they moved to the door.

In a sitting position, I looked around at the door to see who was coming into the house. Then it hit me, could these be the kids Mom’s note referred to?
The door banged open and Castor and Sander ran into the hallway, glancing at me in the room, they then gave me the middle finger and ran up stairs to their room.
‘Suckers,’ I laughed. Standing up as I saw shadows on the carpet.
‘In you go,’ I heard Mom suggest. Standing up, I saw two tall figures move in front of me with their backs turned. Holding two large navy blue holdalls in each hand, they placed them on the floor. Hearing her shuffle down the hallway, she headed to the kitchen; glancing at me as she passed. ‘Oh Helen,’ Mom smiled as she did a double take and spotted me standing there like an idiot staring at the backs of the heads of two tall guys. ‘This is Marcus and Gus, they will be staying in your brothers' room for... well, until we can sort something out.’
At that point, they turned and my jaw dropped. It was that Marcus guy I had met only a few hours ago outside the entrance to the school. His friend, who looked rather similar to him, was maybe an inch taller with slightly darker hair apart from a few strands of highlights by his ears.
‘Wrong Girl,’ Marcus laughed, snapping his fingers and pointing at me. Nudging his friend he said, ‘I told ya we’d meet up again.’

About the Author 

AE Kirk lives within the majestic Devonshire countryside in England, UK where she wrote her novel, Loving In Time, within three months for a competition. Winning joint runner-up, she continued to write a number of other books ranging from sci-fi, to fantasy and action and a year later, while she was in South Korea teaching English, found a publisher. Kirk, who is Editor in Chief for a fantasy and sci-fi magazine, Kingdom of Fantasy, loves nothing more than to write interesting and unique stories with unusual plot-twists. After gaining a Masters in Social Archaeology at Lampeter University, Wales, Kirk uses her research skills to describe, in vivid detail, the ancient locations in her books. Kirk's passions in archaeology shines through in Loving In Time, her first published novel.

Connect With AE Kirk

COVER REVEAL: Tipsy by Cambria Hebert ~ New Adult & Contemporary Romance

Displaying Tipsy_wrap.jpg

About Tipsy by Cambria Hebert

Displaying Tipsy_ebooksm.jpg***This is a new adult contemporary novel and contains sexual content and graphic language. It is not intended for young adult readers.***

Julie Preston is an artist. But her canvas isn’t paper or clay. It’s hair. She spends her days coloring, blow drying and styling her clients hair at the Razor’s Edge salon. Julie is also annoyed. She went out on a date and had a great time, gave the guy her number and the jerk never called.

So when he waltzes into the salon and sits down in her chair she briefly considers strangling him with the pink cape she fastens around  his neck.

Too bad she can’t.

Blue Markson, the guy who never called, is a police officer so causing him bodily harm would be a first class ticket into the slammer. Just looking at him again makes Julie forget why she was mad in the first place, but she’s already learned that Blue is nothing but heartache. So when he starts coming around, acting like he hadn’t made her stare at the phone for days, she tries to brush him off.


Her life is about to blow up in her face, she’s about to get caught up in a sticky web of crime and the one guy who can help her is the one guy she vowed never to trust again.

Series: Take It Off - all the novels in this series can be read as stand alones
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance Release Date: December 13, 2013Format: Ebook and Paperback

About the Author

Displaying for bio.jpgCambria Hebert is the author of the young adult paranormal Heven and Hell series, the new adult Death Escorts series, and the new adult Take it Off series. She loves a caramel latte, hates math and is afraid of chickens (yes, chickens). She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major, and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair. She currently lives in North Carolina with her husband and children (both human and furry) where she is plotting her next book. You can find out more about Cambria and her work by visiting 

Connect with Cambria Hebert

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Home For the Holidays Hop: $450 Giveaway + The Best Ever Red Velvet Cake Recipe

During this hop you have a chance to
win a $450 Gift Card or Paypal Cash
a HUGE Ebook Grab Bag and several other prizes on participating blogs! 

The blog hop consists of several bloggers and authors who have sponsored the event to bring you prizes, recipes, book recommendations, and most of all, holiday cheer!

For my stop on the hop I decided to share my 
red velvet cake & cream cheese frosting recipes
I am also hosting a 
$25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway 
below, which is completely separate from the main 
Home for the Holidays Blog Hop Giveaway

You will find all the details for both giveaways below the recipe! 

Without further ado, I bring you.... 

The Best Red Velvet Cake Recipe, Ever! 

The secret to the best red velvet cake recipe lies below...

I had originally posted this recipe on my other blog, So Simply Stephanie, last Christmas and it instantly became a huge hit! Since this is my favorite holiday recipe  and my other readers enjoyed it, I thought I would share it for the Home For The Holidays Blog Hop.

This red velvet cake is a little different from most recipes and quite frankly, the BEST I HAVE EVER HAD! Red velvet cake has always been my favorite-- when it's made right. I have only found a few people in my lifetime who made the perfect red velvet cake and my husbands aunt is one of those people. I had searched high and low for a great recipe and even tried the Paula Deen's Red Velvet Cake recipe and it didn't turn out to my liking, either. Possibly my error, possibly because it's just not the one. 

Unlike traditional red velvet cake recipes, this one has it's own little secret...

Are you ready?

Lean in a little closer so no one else hears...

Instead of flower, it uses a boxed butter cake mix! Shhh! Don't tell anyone until AFTER they have tried it and they tell you how wonderful it is!... No, this recipe still calls for all the other true-red-velvet ingredients such as the vinegar, cocoa, and butter milk. The boxed cake mix is a substitution to the flour only.

So, are you ready to try it? I have included both the Red Velvet Cake Recipe & the Cream Cheese Frosting Recipe!

Red Velvet Cake Recipe:

  • 1 Box Butter Cake Mix ( Something Like Betty Crocker  Butter Cake 18.5 oz.)
  • 2 ½ Tbsp. Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
  • 1 1/3 Cups Buttermilk
  • 1 oz. Red Food Coloring
  • 1 Stick (8 Tbsp.) Butter, Melted
  • 3 Large Eggs
  • 1 Tsp. Pure Vanilla Extract
  • 1 Tsp. Baking Soda
  • 1 Tbsp. Distilled White Vinegar
  • Flour for Dusting Pans
  • Shortening for Greasing Pans

1. Place rack in the center of the oven and preheat to 350 degrees.

2. Grease 3 9-inch pans thoroughly with shortening or margarine, and then dust with flour.

3. Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl, and beat on low speed for 1 minute, or until all ingredients are well blended. Scrape the sides of the bowl and mix again for 2 minutes on medium speed.

4. Divide the batter evenly among pans, about 1 ½ cups of each, and smooth the tops with a rubber spatula.

5. Bake the cakes for 17-21 minutes or until the sides start to separate from the side of the pan. You can also use the toothpick method. Insert a toothpick, if it comes out clean it’s done.

6. When cakes are done, transfer them to wire racks to cool for 5 minutes. After cakes have cooled, run a knife around the edge of the pan to separate the cake from the pan. Next, flip the pan over on the wire rack so that the cake is upside down on the rack. Now, place another rack on top of that and flip it back over so that the cake is right side up.

7. Move your layers one at the time to your cake plate and frost with cream cheese frosting.


Cream Cheese Frosting Recipe:

  • 1 8oz block cream cheese, at room temperature
  • 1 stick of butter, at room temperature
  • 4 cups powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • Optional: 1 cup crushed pecans... Optional, but really, it's a delicious-must!
1. Combine cream cheese and butter in a large bowl and beat 1-2 minutes or until light and fluffy.

2. Scrape the sides of the bowl, pulling the frosting back to the center of the bowl. Add vanilla and gradually add powdered sugar. Beat on medium until well combined. Next, beat on high speed for 1 -2 minutes until you reach your desired consistency.

3. If you want to add pecans, which I strongly suggest, stir them in now. Save a couple tablespoons to garnish the top for a beautiful red velvet cake.

Now that you have the recipe for the best red velvet cake you will ever put in your mouth, are you going to try it?

Now for the fun part.... the giveaways!

Okay, for my blog giveaway I am offering a $25 Amazon or Barnes & Noble Gift Card to one lucky winner via Rafflecopter. To enter simply complete the entries on the Rafflecopter below. Some of which will also qualify you for the blog hop Grand Prize of $450+ ! 

 so that we can contact you if you win!

To enter the Home for the Holidays Blog Hop Giveaway simply post a comment below. 

Then, be sure to visit the main blog hop page by clicking on the banner. There you will find a list of participating authors and blogs were you can visit and comment for more chances to win! 

Hope you enjoy! 
Good Luck & Happy Holidays! 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Book Tour & Kindle Giveaway: My Beautiful By Alicia Rae - The Beautiful Series #2

Welcome to the Book Tour & Giveaway for
My Beautiful
By Alicia Rae
Book #2 in The Beautiful Series
Be sure to enter the Rafflecopter below to
win a Kindle or a sign copy of Beautiful Chances!

Title:   My Beautiful
Series: The Beautiful #2
Author:  Alicia Rae
Genre: Contemporary Romance 18+
Publication Date:  November 5, 2013
Cover Designed By:  Okay Creations
Event organized by: Literati Author Services, Inc.


Still trying to recover from a tragic loss, Lily’s worst fear is falling in love. Distancing herself from everyone is the only way she can keep heartache away.

Deep down though, Lily realizes that living without Kyle is too painful. She finds strength in Kyle’s arms, and he gives her the courage to face her past. With every step forward, Lily continues to nurture and mend her damaged heart.

Just when Lily feels closure within her grasp, secrets from the past finally catch up with her, and Lily will discover that more than her heart is on the line.

Will love be enough to save Lily?

About the Author
Alicia Rae is a Contemporary Romance Author who lives in
Dekalb, Illinois, with her husband and three beautiful boys. Alicia has a passion for reading all types of romance, writing to bring a story to life, and photography.

Thank you to my dear sister, Kels, who showed me a few years ago how much I truly missed reading. And to my loving husband, for not throwing away my Nook, and planting the seed of writing into my mind. I am forever grateful. Xo
Readers, words cannot thank you enough for supporting me along this incredible journey. I hope you enjoy my novels as much as I do writing them. I thank each and every one of you.
Believe in yourself and follow your dreams…
Connect with Alicia Rae
       Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads
Tour-Wide Giveaway (US Residents Only)
3 Winners ~ Kindle,  2 signed paperbacks of Beautiful Chances
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GIVEAWAY: Reckless Secrets by Gina Robinson {Reckless #2}

Welcome to the Giveaway and Blitz for
Reckless Secrets 
By Gina Robinson
(Reckless #2)
Publication date: November 11th 2013
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance


Everyone Has a Secret.

At nineteen, Ellie Martin is finally happy. Deliriously, delightfully, delectably happy. Her junior year in college, while not without some major issues, is turning out better than she ever dreamed. She’s finally found closure to a question that has bothered her for as long as she can remember. She’s even been able to put some serious distance between herself and her twisted mother. Best of all, she’s in love with the hot, handsome, and mysterious Logan Walker.

If only she could share with Logan the one thing she must keep secret. The one relationship that, if he finds out about it, will blow apart everything that brings her happiness.

Even as Ellie and Logan learn to open up to each other, even as they get closer than they’ve ever gotten to anyone else before, the reckless secrets they’re holding on to may just be the thread that unravels everything.
Gina Robinson loves humor, romance, suspense, and spies. Not necessarily in that order. Her latest toy is a video spy pen. She plans on putting her engineering degree to good use by building a tasar out of a disposable camera using the instructions and schematics from The Evil Genius series. Fair warning--she hasn't held a soldering iron in quite a few years.

She writes contemporary romance featuring sexy spies and plenty of adventure and humor. The Spy Who Left Me, the first book in her new Agent Ex series, published by St. Martin's Press, is available now. Diamonds Are Truly Forever, the next book in the series, will be released on May 22, 2012.
Her first two novels are published by Zebra Books, Kensington Publishing.

She's also published a humorous women's fiction novel, Pink Slipper. If you like Sophie Kinsella, you'll enjoy Pink Slipper.
Connect with Gina Robinson

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Monday, November 11, 2013

GIVEAWAY & Book Tour: Flick by Keira Des Anges

Welcome to the Virtual Book Tour
& Giveaway for
By Keira Des Anges

About Flick

Leanna Matthews enjoys flying below the radar. She does well in school, has a few close friends and hides the fact she’s an astral-traveling telekinetic. But there’s no escaping her creepy dreams or Simora, the bizarre little spirit lady, that suddenly pops out of nowhere to warn her against keeping secrets and predicts an encounter with a sinister evil. For the first time in forever someone…or something…is on to her.
But life turns around when Leanna meets Piper one sunny afternoon. She’s inexplicably drawn to him, almost as if she’s been waiting for him to come. Forbidden to have a boyfriend Leanna throws caution to the wind, lying to her family and friends to be with him, while ignoring Simora’s ominous message.

Yet Piper has a secret of his own. He is on a mission and Leanna, unwittingly, is the key.


Leanna Matthews craved for ordinary in the least extraordinary way.  She enjoyed a few close friends, shopping at the mall and perhaps a nice romance novel every now and again.  Routine was good, early mornings were better…and life was extremely complicated.

She squirmed restlessly in Biology – the final, insufferable class of the day – listening to Ms. Alvarado drone on-and-on about non-polar bonds in her last, torturous act of the term.  Somewhere between ‘atom’ and ‘electronegativity,’ Leanna nodded off, nearly conking her head on the desk while daydreaming of summer vacation:  shopping, beach, friends, shopping, vacation, shopping, sun, shopping, but not necessarily in that order. 

Someone snickered from behind, no doubt amused by her wobbly head, as her eyelids grew heavier.  Shut-up Ms. Alvarado, she thought bitterly.  Thank God that in less than 20 minutes ninth grade would be officially over!  School, and all its stupid inhabitants (present company included), would be history for a good two months; or rather two months too short - but it didn’t matter.  Somewhere a beach chair sat waiting on white, fluffy sand and a plane ticket had her name stamped all over it.  The fun was just about to begin!

Or so she thought.

That next morning, instead of awakening to the sweet taste of freedom, Leanna lay whimpering, shivering feverishly in her sleep.  She curled tightly into a knot as a tiny beam of light crept through the shutters while she slept, casting eerie shadows on the wall - one of which grew abnormally in size until completely encircling the white canopy bed. 

About the Author ~ Keira Des Anges

By day, Keira des Anges has the distinct pleasure of assisting teenagers with disabilities find employment, empowering one life at a time. By night, she is a chew toy for her dog and cat and avid reader of anything spooky, magical and totally out of this world.  She lives in sunny Florida with her husband and two kids.
Connect with Keira Des Anges
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GIVEAWAY & Book Blast: Hitchhiker by Audra Middleton


About Hitchhiker

HitchhikerSupernatural abilities haunt her. Brainiac students taunt her. The FBI “Freak Squad” wants her. Will she abandon her extra sensory talents in favor of freedom, or will she hone them to help catch crooks?

Former army brat, Ainsley Benton, may have finally found her place in this world, and it’s among the freaks. This small town art teacher has the ability to see, hear, and feel what other people are experiencing, and now the FBI’s freak squad wants to use her “human bug” abilities to catch bad guys. Despite her fear of commitment, failure, and responsibility, Ainsley temporarily agrees to join this team of misfits, and ends up risking her life to investigate a conspiracy that may only be one of her schizophrenic coworker’s paranoid delusions.

Buy it now from Amazon | Burst Books

Author Bio: 

lowQpicAudra's love of writing began in the third grade, when she was chosen to go to a young author’s conference based on her story, "The Dragon Cookie,” which is about a giant cookie that comes to life. She continued writing, and was sometimes asked to write stories for friends as birthday gifts.

Audra went to college thinking she would go into journalism, but opted to go into publishing instead, and even took an internship at Yale University Press. She married right after college and was unable to find a publishing job where they were living in Seattle. Audra took an office job. After helping put her husband through law school, she went back to school and got her teaching degree. Audra enjoyed teaching, but once her oldest was born, she chose to stay home. At the encouragement of friends she started writing again, the result being her first novel, Watcher, which was released in January of 2013.

Audra and her husband now live in a small town in Eastern Washington with their three boys. They also have a black Lab named Benji who eats shoes, gophers and packages left on her front porch (thanks Fed-Ex). She recently went back to work as a Kindergarten teacher, but she still writes, dabbles in on-line shopping and plays Texas Hold ‘Em with her friends as often she can.

Website | Facebook

One winner will receive a $50 Amazon Gift Card
Open internationally. Ends 9th December 2013

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GIVEAWAY: Reign of Ice by L.P. Dover ~ A Fantasy, New Adult, Romance Novel

Welcome to the Book Blitz & Giveaway for
Reign of Ice 
By L.P. Dover
(Forever Fae #4) 

About Reign of Ice

Publication Date: November 15th 2013
Genres: Fantasy | New Adult | Romance

Two courts to four is what needs to be … to save the land so shall we see.
The scroll has been found and now the fae know how to defeat the dark sorcerer, to end his evil existence in the Land of the Fae. However, the only thing standing in the way is the one bond that must be formed; the one that will empower all four courts together and make them invincible. Ariella and Brayden’s bond will not come easily, for Ariella is mischievous and head-strong with a heart full of love, while Brayden is strong and loyal with a heart made of ice.

What do you do when the fate of your land rests upon your shoulders because of the bond you must form to save it? How are you supposed to do that when the one man to help you fulfill the prophecy is the one who doesn’t believe in love?

With all four princesses bound together as one, will they be strong enough to save the life of Ariella, who is destined to be the one who ends it, the one who will sacrifice everything to save the people she loves? In this final installment of the Forever Fae series you will see how the bonds of love and all the sacrifices it takes to truly conquer the evil once and for all.


Barnes and Noble:

Meet the Author ~ L.P. Dover

I am an avid reader that  loves my collection of books. Writing has always been a passion of mine and now I am glad that I get to share my passion with the world. I live in North Carolina and I absolutely love being a southern girl. I spent several years in college starting out with a major in Psychology and then switching to dental. I worked in the dental field for eight years and then decided to stay home with my two beautiful girls. I spent the beginning of my reading years reading suspense thrillers, but now I can't get away from the paranormal/fantasy books. I knew ever since then that if I wrote anything it would be in a paranormal aspect. Now that I have started on my passion and began writing, you will not see me go anywhere without a notebook and pen.
Connect With L.P. Dover
Enter to win an ecopy of Reign of Ice by L.P. Dover.
Winner will receive their copy after December 9th, 2013.  

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COVER REVEAL: Honeysuckle and Jasmine by Liz Grace Davis

Welcome to the Cover Reveal of
Honeysuckle and Jasmine
By Liz Grace Davis
Author:  Liz Grace DavisPublication date: September 24th, 2013
Genres: Adult | Contemporary


The past is never far behind.
Senia Loato’s life has been needled by disappointment, and the wounds that fester go beyond skin deep. She is certain if she puts miles between her and her tainted past, she will somehow outrun it. When she’s offered the chance to leave her island home of Mintang to become an au pair for three boys in Germany, she takes the opportunity to start  running.

In Germany, she meets Miina, another au pair. What builds between them is a life-defining friendship, one they will risk everything for.

And soon, they’ll be asked nothing less

When Miina is betrayed and left stranded, Senia stands by her, risking much more than just her stay in Germany. She also stands to lose rich, handsome, turquoise-eyed Roman Dorenwald, the first man she has allowed into her heart.
But they’re risks worth taking.
Eventually, Senia makes a sacrifice that catapults her back to her past, where she’s forced to draw back the curtain and discover the shocking truth of her history.

Can she confront her nightmares, reach deep into her soul, and forgive those who have hurt her? Or is it easier to just keep running?
About the Author
Liz Grace Davis is a Namibian author. She grew up in Angola, Namibia, South Africa and Germany. She now lives with her husband in Vienna, Austria.

Growing up, Liz spent most of her days in school libraries, diving into the world of books.

In her spare time she loves to travel as well as creating jewelry and digital scrapbooks. She's in her element when she is doing anything that requires creativity.

Liz is the author of a young adult fantasy novel, Tangi's Teardrops, and a romantic women's fiction novel, Chocolate Aftertaste.

Connect with Liz Grace Davis