Greeting Fellow Bloggers!

If you already host book tours on your blog with other groups then you know the wonderful benefits involved with hosting. You can sign up to host with Beyond Words at our Host Page.
If you have never hosted a book tour on your blog, we would still love to have you. We all have to start somewhere right?
10 Reasons to Be a Tour Host:
- You get the chance to promote awesome books and authors and create lasting relationships.
- You get free books... ebook and paperback when you sign up for reviews
- You get the chance to host giveaways for your awesome readers.
- You gain new followers and fans who wouldn't haven't found your blog otherwise.
- We promote all stops so your blog reaches our fans and followers as well!
- You gain traffic and exposure from us promoting your blog as well as linking it tour site and tour pages.
- You get the latest news and updates on upcoming books! And the opportunity to get ARCs.
- You get to participate in host-only incentives and giveaways (not all tour companies do this but some do, including Beyond Words Book Tours.)
- You get new content for your blog to keep it fresh and updated for SEO reasons and for your readers!
- We also offer HTML posts for quick copy & paste insertion for posts that take less than 2 minutes but can be customized just for you!
Of course, you only host the books and tours you want to. You are not required to sign up for any tour you are not interested in and you can still participate even if you don't have time to review.
There are several tour groups out there and we are just one of many. I actually host for several different tour groups on my own personal book blog, so if you already host for a group, you can still host for Beyond Words Book Tours. The more groups you host with the more chances you have to promote, get new content and free books.
If you would like to sign up to host with Beyond Words Book Tours or find out more information about our tours, please visit our Host Page.
Please feel free to post any comments or questions you may have!
Thanks and have a wonderful day!